I guess I'm not doing so well on posting stuff every day to my web page here. I need to post the other tin I made. My Daisy D's Attic Heirlooms finally came today. I'm excited about that. Can't wait to play with it. Hopefully tonight.
I ordered my original order from Lifetime Moments. No lie: it took two weeks for them to tell me they were (1) mailing my package and (2) my Attic Heirlooms kit was not included. They were out. Now had I known that, I would have canceled the order for the other two sheets of paper. Lucky they didn't charge me shipping. That site is sorry. There is no excuse for that. I will continue to "use" them to see what is out there, but I will not order from them anymore.
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Welcome to my window on the world. A snapshot of my life and experiences. I'm a photography junkie and a scrapbook addict. I capture it all here, and share my journey down this amazing road called LIFE with you!
Monday, March 20, 2006
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