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Welcome to my window on the world. A snapshot of my life and experiences. I'm a photography junkie and a scrapbook addict. I capture it all here, and share my journey down this amazing road called LIFE with you!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Birthday Photo

Today is my birthday. Here is my birthday portrait. Self portrait. I tell you one thing, I have great hair!
Tragedy at Virgina Tech yesterday. Very sad. Disturbing, but I know that God was there for His people. It's still unfolding, the whole story. We may never know since the crackpot killed himself. Very sad.
On to a brighter note: another year, another bit wiser? One hopes anyway! No complaints on my part. Main goal last year was to be published in a mag. I've hit that goal so I'm tickled pink.
What am I going to do today? Probably clean out the pool from all that crazy windy weather we had. Many leaves. Lucky no trees down. Not the same for everyone around here.
May scrap some. Not sure. I've got 106 more layouts to do towards my scrap goal for 2007 of 272. You know I'll make it. That's the kind of chick I am. Set a goal. Do it! Get 'er done, as they say!
Hmmm. Should apply that philosophy towards scrap room. Oh, but that isn't fun!
Want to make that lap board. Cool idea from my friend, Kelly, who will be moving to NC here soon. She's a cool chick. No obvious issues (she knows I'm kidding here)! Regular chick. Very creative. Fleece is her medium. She rocks it.
My bff, Mandy, is bringing my card by today. Last year she sent it to me in August. Bff's don't make ya mad, do they? Nah, life happens so you just don't even think about it. I just thought it was sweet she sent it after all that time. Even sweeter, she doesn't want to do it again. Worried postal service might not get it here. Chose to deliver to make sure it got on time. That's nice, isn't it!
Waiting for school to get out. Not much longer. Ds has project for landscape class. Dh is in charge. He's the science dude. Not me. I'm there for the creative aspect. Camera. Paper. Layout. Those types of things.
That's all my comments for today. Except one, Kearnsy...you're next, dahling. Can't hide. We're a month apart. Birthday's coming! And I'm going to remind you every day! Cuz I love you!

1 comment:

Michelle said...


Have a great one!