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Welcome to my window on the world. A snapshot of my life and experiences. I'm a photography junkie and a scrapbook addict. I capture it all here, and share my journey down this amazing road called LIFE with you!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Cake Squares All Decorated To Eat

Okay, here they are ladies and gentlemen, my cake squares. Now, the green man with the black hat, is actually a snowman. We were just making these last night and using the three colors that we brought with us! So my Christmas candle, tree and wreath might look a little insane with blue lights and such, but hey, I'm learning! LOL!

Look at all my cute things: balloons, pumpkins, nests with eggs, bunnies, chicks, Christmas, baby and rose buds and yes, clowns. I am not a big fan of clowns, but these icing clowns are really cute, and you can decorate them even more than what they are on here. Clowns can be sitting up, lying down, knees up. Lots of different ways to pose them. Just lots of icing! LOL!

I signed up for the Advanced class in the fall. We get to make a 3 tiered wedding cake. That will be interesting.

I really love this class and am having alot of fun with it. I'm not so restricted, and my creativity just flows!

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