Hi! Come on in and look around!

Welcome to my window on the world. A snapshot of my life and experiences. I'm a photography junkie and a scrapbook addict. I capture it all here, and share my journey down this amazing road called LIFE with you!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Rasberry Road Blog Challenge and QP

Here is a QP I made to be put together with everyone elses' QP's over at Rasberry Road for April's challenge prize. You can check out April's challenge HERE. There will be a freebie kit to use as well as the great prize! Frankly, I've never made a QP before, and I've never used one so I hope this will be ok!

I had another, "Why do I go to Walmart?" moment. Let me tell you, I don't think they encourage coupon use because whenever I use more than one coupon in the self checkout, the thing freaks out, and I always end up having to get help over, and over, and over, and over. But I get my coupons! I usually have about $11.00 so it is worth it to me! Anyway, there I am at Walmart checking out in a line with a cashier and lo and behold she starts asking me about one of my coupons. I said, "I bought that item, but I don't know which bag you put it in."

So now I have to start routing around me week's worth of groceries she has bagged to find the stinkin' toothbrush so I can save my $1.00. I find it. Meanwhile she is asking me if it is a Pulsar? "No, I tell her it is a blah blah blah."

She says, "Is it a Pulsar or something else."

Now, didn't I just tell her what it was? I get the coupon and read it back to her. "It says 'Pular' comma, blah blah blah".

She says, "I realize that it says Pulsar. Did you get a Pulsar."

HOLY CRAP! Is she kidding me? NO, I didn't get a pulsar.

She says finally, "Pulsar is a brand."

I say to her, "Look at the picture. The coupon is for an Oral B."

"Oh," and so I get my dollar.


Now, I have a teenage dd. Today, I think she almost drove me to the funny farm. She tries out for cheerleading, and she and her friend come over here to wait for the list to be posted at 8:30pm. Fine, I cook them din-din and wait with them, checking the internet every so often for them, and they are checking, too. Her friend's mom shows up, and still nothing. So we start asking them questions, which starts making them mad. As if getting information is a crime of the highest order.
"Who told you the list was being posted tonight?"
"Did the coach tell you how she was going to let you know?"
"If she posts it, will it be on her academic site or the cheer site?"
"Did she tell you?"
"Who told you?"
"Did you ask?"
"Why don't you call someone?"
"You don't have everyone's numbers? Use the phone book."

Now, it appears that one of the jv girls who is not a reliable source, as in connected to someone in the know, told them that it would be posted on the internet by 8:30pm. Not the coach. They didn't ask before or after they tried out exactly where or when the list of who made it would be posted. So I'm sitting her with two ninnies who are about to have a heart attack waiting for something to be posted that may or may not actually be posted tonight. Because they were originally told that they would find out through announcements at school tomorrow. These silly heads won't call the supposed next year's captain to see if she knows anything. They don't want to call the nosiest girl on their squad who knows everything. So they suffer, and we adults give up and her friend goes home.

Amazing to me that something that is so important to them, they would not have the answer to. CRAZy! But that is a teenage girl for ya. I give up! I need a sedative! LOL!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Is it the flu?

digi credits: HERE.
And that, folks, is the last CT lo for the month. Completed and posted at 4:28pm on Sunday, 3/30! LOL!

Now I can either do what I want or do some advance CT stuff for next month! LOL!

digi credits: HERE.

I think I may have the flu, although I'm not sure. I slept for 12 hours last night. I woke up with a scratchy throat. I feel nauseated. Bleh. I don't get sick very often. I can't even tell you the last time I was sick...maybe October? I eat well, excercise and wash my hands alot! That is my key to that I think. Anyway, don't feel bad for me or anything. I think all I can do is scrap today! bwahahahahaha! Yahoo as far as that goes. Guilt free!

Okay, so you know you don't feel that great when even scrapping doesn't interest you. I was going to play and play and post and post and bleh! So I only made the lo above for fun, and I didn't want to scrap anymore!

Friday, March 28, 2008

CT countdown

digi credits: HERE.

I'm down to my last two lo's for my CT requirements for the month. Nothing like taking it down to the wire! LOL!

So I have one left now!

I never have a plan of attack as in doing in order of favorites or anything like that. It usually happens that someone comes out with a kit, and that is what makes me work with their designs next. I'm not sure how it works for you, but that is how it works for me!

I'm still trying to download the CT Appreciation kit from DST! I've got about 2/3 of it. Have all y'all gotten it yet? The lo above is one of the templates from the kit.

Don't forget about the chance to win a $10GC to Tangie Baxter Designs. Check out my post from yesterday to get the link. It's a desktop challenge. There's samples and a link to get you started!

I just want to brag on ds for a moment. He has a job at a golf course as a golf grunt. You know, the kid who cleans your cart when you are done. Picks up range balls...makes sure there is fresh water throughout the course in the coolers, etc. Well, he has had a head cold and had to work last night. The weather was amazing; the course was packed. He worked until 11P at night and never complained about it! Woke up and went to school, albeit a little draggy, which really pissed his sister off, but I was so proud of him! He's becoming such a man!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

NadlM, Faith Sisters and Friday Challenge

Digi credits here.

This is my catch up card for my Faith Sisters Scripture Challenge. It's for week #3. The word was BEAUTY. I was drawn to this scripture immediately!

Beth Rimmer at Digitals is featured in Somerset magazine available now! I'm so excited for her. Her hybrid book is on pages 24-26. It's called "An Accidental Childhood". I hope you will check it out and also pop over to Digitals to check out Beth Rimmer's designs. I'm so lucky to be on this creative lady's CT!

Tangie Baxter's Creative Team Loft is sponsoring another Friday Challenge. I'm hosting this one, and you have a chance to win a $10 GC to Tangie's fabulous store! Check it out here: Desktop Challenge. I hope you will spread the word for me so we get lots of participants!!! I'm posting about it on DST, too!

It's a Desktop Challenge! Create a desktop for April. Rules and samples are featured on the blog!

Finally, wahoooooooo! It's Friday! Wahoooooo! I did spend some time yesterday painting my bathroom trim. I'm getting low on paint. I should finish up the trim tomorrow...I think. If not then, on Sunday cuz I'm working on Saturday, and I can't be covered in paint! LOL! Then it will be wallpaper stripping time. Oh la la! And I have been taking some pictures.

I also took some pics of some clothes I need to list on e-bay. That was on my list of things to do today, but I guess that 2 hour nap I took kind of interrupted my day!

Beth Rimmer, NadlM and MONEY!

Digi credits: here.

Digi credits: here

I had to work yesterday, which is fine! Gotta keep my discount! LOL! We just marked all our clearance stuff down again so I found 4 things that I will be getting tomorrow when I get paid. Three are sterling silver...originally $35.00 each for $3.50 each, plus add my additional employee discount! And one is $1.20! Imagine. Those are a cute pair of earrings for me. The others are two necklaces and one has a matching set of earrings. Those are for gifts. You can't beat it. They were all 90% off! Now that is my kind of deal!

I finished painting the cabinet in the kids' bathroom and their bathroom door. I don't know what they do in there, but it does look so much better now. I do have pics, but I just haven't posted them yet. Probably on tomorrow's blog.

I am now off to our master bathroom. I painted our shower/toilet area about six years ago. But I never painted the sink area. Mainly because it needs to be painted and the wallpaper stripped. Well, that is my next project. I'm doing the trim white just because I like white trim in the bathroom. It looks so clean. I'm not sure what color I will paint the walls, but I have to get all that paper off first.

Tomorrow is yard day because it is supposed to be around 80! Wahoo! Finally. A day of warmth, although the high on Sunday is supposed to be around 56. Bleh!

I'm sad to say that I am having to give up my gym membership. I'm still going to exercise because I do enjoy it. But these gas prices, food prices, and the fact that I have two teenage drivers (insurance) is killing us. I can save almost $100 month by giving that up and also changing my cell bill to a lower minute plan. All the kids do is text anyway so that will not be a big deal! I'm running out of areas to cut.

I mean, I have seen on Dr. Phil a while ago about getting rid of the cell phones, cutting the cable, blah blah blah. This is real life here. My husband would die if I cut off his cable. We don't have movie channels and how miserable do you have to be? Anyway, we are not living high on the hog as they saying goes. So there isn't alot to cut! I don't know what we will do if gas hits $4.00 per gallon like they are saying. Give up leaving our house, period! LOL!

That is my rant for today! Oh, I guess I could not by that jewelry, but $1.20 is worth it and also, I have to get a gift for the lady who is taking my daughter on Spring Break with her family. So $6.00 for sterling silver necklace and earrings is quite a nice deal!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Faith Sisters Week 12 and Painting

Digi credits: here.

My scripture choice this week for the Faith Sisters Scripture challenge. The word this week was listen. I was originally going to pick another scripture, "Be still and know that I am God", but I ended up being led to this one.

I'm busy painting the bathroom sink cabinet in my kids' bathroom because it had a leak underneath and got all funky. I painted the outside fronts of the cabinets yesterday and the bottom of underneath the sink. Now I have to do the cabinet sides underneath because the fresh paint really shows how badly they need it. I'm also going to put shelf paper down. I had shelf paper down before, and if you ever wonder if it really protects anything, where I had it, the paint looked new. Where I didn't have it, the paint was faded. So there you have it!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

New Blog Header and Some More Lo's

I made a new blog header. It is animated, but I'm having problems getting the animation to work. I'm not sure, but I think my file might be too big. Anyway, this was made using Tangie Baxter's new Digistrations. Credits are here.

This lo is for an upcoming template challenge. I used the new Bungalo Blossoms and Bracket Fetish I from Tangie Baxter and That's My Boy Page Pak w/ Alpha from CottageArts.net.

This lo is created with Doreen Stolz's new Spring Romantic kit and Doreen's Staple Factory.

This picture is of my scrapping friend, Missy, during a recent retreat. She is so funny because she used to do Public Information or something like that so she is very composed in this photograph! We were so tired. Maybe you can tell. Missy figured we got 10 hours of sleep and scrapped for 38! OMG that is alot of scrapping!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Cottage Arts

Playing with the new Nature's Garden Collection that Michelle has over at Cottage Arts. Natures Garden Paper Collection & Natures Garden Element Pak & Alpha
I used two papers and the luminosity mode in the layers pallette. Then I used my OptikVerve Glamour filter in b&w to get the effect I wanted on my photo and added it in to my lo using the overlay mode. Art does reflect the mood of the artist, and I think this shows how I was feeling today! Ah the teen years!

digi credits here.
A lo of my bff, Mandy, from a recent crop weekend. Poor thing had the worst cold in history, but as with all scrappers, she wasn't missing the crop weekend. She took alot of meds and a nap and made it through like a champ!

OK. I think I was in some sort of scrapping rut or funk or whatever you call it. I just felt my creativity was lacking, lacking, lacking, but tonight I feel like the mojo is on again! I hope it stays that way for a while. I just played and filly-farted around, and I actually like what I did. Which, you know how that is, sometimes you are not too wild about the lo's that you make.

I also bought a new tool today. NOt a scrapping tool so don't get too excited. It's a handy lil' knife sharpener that my husband had at his store. I saw a tool being used on The Today Show that was sharpening tools, and I said I needed one. He said he had one. So I made a trip up there today to get it. I can't wait to use it on my pruning sheers and get a'pruning!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rasberry Road

I always enjoy working with Susan's kits from Rasberry Road. She never ceases to surprise me with something in every kit. I absolutely adore this cardinal with the berries. Don't you! (stitches: CottageArts Bountiful Blessings, font: Love Ya Like A Sister)

Completed another scripture challenge. I'm a little behind! But that's ok. My goal is just to get them all done as part of my "ME" word this year (Ali Edwards). Doing this scripture challenge is part of my spiritual growth.

Luck O' The Irish by Maddy Fernandez at Digitals (font: CK Ali's Writing)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Blog Challenge at The Loft

digi credits: HERE

Here is my lo created using my template (see yesterday's post) for the blog challenge I am hosting over at Tangie Baxter Designs Creative Team Loft. You can still download the template and play for a $5.00 GC to Tangie's store! What are you waiting for?

I have another economical, money saving dish for you out there in recession-land like me. Well, actually two.

Easy Chicken Pot Pie
1 can cream of celery soup (cream of chicken or cream of mushroom)
1 can Veg-all vegetables (or frozen mixed vegetables)
1 can french fried onions
1 pie crust
chicken (left overs)
seasoning - I use Greek Seasoning, but you can season with salt, pepper and some garlic.

You can use store brand for all the items. Depending on the size of your pie plate, its depth, and how many veggies you put in, you can make 2 pies. I prefer to make my own pie crust. It's easy and it's certainly cheaper than buying, but you can buy the store brand pie crust to save money. Also, if you roast a chicken and have left overs, pick the chicken off the bone for this recipe. Or if you buy the Walmart frozen skinless chicken breasts, I use 2. I do not cook them first.

Okay, back to the recipe. Preheat your oven to 350 deg. Put your pie crust in the bottom of your pie pan. Prick with a fork to give it some air and keep it from swelling. Cook for about 10 minutes or so. Dump your cream of celery soup and the Veg-all vegetables in a bowl and mix well. Cut up your chicken to 1" pieces and put in the soup mixture. Put all this in the pie pan over the pre-baked shell. Put in oven for 30 minutes. Top pie with fried onions and cook another 5-10 minutes.
Voila. Easy. Cheap. And tasty!

Okay, another cheap recipe, too. And this one is good for you, too. You can use left over chicken as well or cut up 2 chicken breasts like above.

Easy Chinese Fried Rice
Chicken left overs or two cut up chicken breasts (in 1" pieces)
2 C. brown rice
2 eggs
soy sauce
sesame oil

You do not have to use sesame oil. You can just use regular canola.

Cut up onion and chicken. Cook your rice according to package directions. Five minutes before rice is done, add peas. Put onion and chicken in pan with 2T sesame oil or canola oil. Cook until chicken is done and onions are clear. Crack egg and cook one egg at a time in same pan, scrambling until both eggs are cooked thoroughly. Drain rice and add to pan. Mix. Remove from stove
Serve with soy sauce.
You can add more rice or less rice, more chicken or less chicken depending upon your preference. This is a very flexible recipe. But it is cheap, except for the sesame oil part, but I gave you a substitution. Brown rice is nutritious and gives this a great flavor, but if your family won't eat it, buy the white rice.

I might share one last recipe with you that is very cheap and tasty. Tomorrow! hehehehehe It's a good ole Southern standby and one of my daughter's favorite meals. That's all for now. I've got more CT things to get cracking on!

Saving Money, Template Challenge, Digistrations

I am hosting the "Love of My Life" Contest on Tangie Baxter Designs Loft. It starts Tuesday, March 18. Go here for PNG files and here for PSD files for the contest template. All lo's using my template must be posted no later than March 24 at High Noon EST HERE! Please post your gallery link in the comments section of the Contest Blog Post...OKAY!!! Winner will receive a $5.00 GC to use at Tangies store, where I wonder if they will spend it on the new Digistrations??? Theme of the Contest is "Love Of My Life" as it is my anniversary. Married 19 years! Wahoo! I don't care what you have as the "Love of Your Life", but you must scrap about it, and it must be obvious what it is from your lo! You must use my template. You are not required to use Tangie's products, but you are certainly may! Since the Love of My Life, Lou, is also a fan of my scrapbooking, he and I will choose the winner together! Because that is how we are. Enjoy!

You may download my template for your personal use and do not have to use it to participate in the contest. You must give me credit if you do use it, as in "template designed by Leigh Bossinger". If you do use it and post somewhere, I'd love to see what you've done!!! (Do not share my template. Do not use it for any illegal purposes.)
Okay, we all now that we are getting hit hard at the pump and the grocery store. We're having to squeeze out every cent we can to maintain our style of living or even cut back just to make ends meet. It's hard on everyone these days.

My ds is seventeen and eats me out of house and home. Snacks are a big expense item at the grocery store. It is so aggravating. And you get such a tiny bit for alot of money. I have a few secrets up my sleeve. One thing I do is I make my own Chex mix. I can make as big a batch as I want, and it surely is alot cheaper than buying their snack mix brand at the store. Plus there are different varieties. Currently ds's fav is the spicy chex mix. I buy generic chex mix cereals i.e. Walmart brand, which further cuts on the cost, generic butter, and store brand Worcestershire sauce. Recipe here: Chex Hot & Spicy I also use cheerios instead of pretzels in mine. Frankly, you can put in it what you want, like if you like oyster crackers instead of all that cereal or cheerios. So mix it up a bit. And I don't put nuts in. Too expensive right now!

I also look for ways to keep us nutritionally sound while still being able to save money. I found that we were really enjoying the Fiber One granola bars, but with only six or 8 of them coming in a box, if I eat one and dd eats one and ds eats one, then there are only about 2 days worth in a box. Not very economical if you think about it. So I started looking for recipes online. I found this one so far to start with. It is easy as it uses granola cereal you already have. It is 3 ingredients. Now I am not wild about the corn syrup, but you can substitute a sugar mix. Just do a google search for corn syrup substitute. However, this makes a huge recipe, and I found that a 9 x 13 pan was too small or it makes 2 batches. Just fyi! Recipe here: Peanut Butter Granola Bars. I will post more as I try them. I have found some completely from scratch that I will probably try, too.

Tangie Baxter is one talented lady. If you haven't figured that out by now, you will when you see this next innovative idea she has come up with. They are called Digistrations. I find them to be so innovative and am going to be using them to change my blog header as I have had this one for a while. Check 'em out here. Just do a search in the gallery for Digistrations. I'm serious, this is the coolest thing I have seen in a while, paper or digi! And it's new and original. I know I'm on Tangie's CT, but I'm completely FO' RE-AL here! These are just so ORIGINAL and creative. They are blowing my mind. If you decide to get some, please tell Tangie I sent ya, just because it's nice to know where people find out about her stuff. I don't get anything extra for you mentioning my name so you don't have to if you don't want to!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Fav Kit

I'm working with some other kits right now, but I had to share a kit I worked with not too long ago that is one of my all time favorites. It is by Michelle Boeckermann at Scrapstreet.com. She is a hidden talent imo. Caught Off Balance. The best part of this little deely-bopper is that it is free! So I hope you will check it out! And if you decide to download it, tell her I sent ya, okay!!!

Vintage Hawaiian Kit from Scrapstreet.com (see preview in yesterday's post!)

Okay, so I had great plans to whip out 3 lo's today. NOPE. I'm not sure what I did all day. I did get a fab nap that I so desperately needed. I made snack mix for my son who is constantly starving. I made sweet tea because he is constantly thirsty. I made a good dinner, and lo and behold, I watched American Idol. Yes, even though I swore I wouldn't. DH has worn me down.

I had big plans to do alot of laundry. That's okay. It is still there!

DS has to have his wisdom teeth out. I'm not doing it. That's what he said to me. As if there was a choice. Then he wonders why everything happens to him and not his sister. I reassured him that she would be having her wisdom teeth out, too. I guess that made it better. He decided he would do it. Just not soon. As if he has control over that either. He's getting it done when I get it scheduled!

He is 17 today (when you read this). My oldest is 17. Hard to believe. I'm sad he's no longer a baby. I'm sad he's a year from graduating high school. I'm happy he's turning into a man and growing up and soon to be graduating from high school. I'm inside-out-upside-down as my not-so-little guy gets a little closer to leaving my nest. Of course, at present, he has developed a little bit of a smart mouth and a wee bit of a defiant streak as in, "No."

Um...no? No, to me? Not happening. So we are working on that, but I guess it is part of the independence and growth into adulthood. He's working now so maybe he's feeling his need to spread his wings. I don't mind if he spreads his wings, I just don't want him to be rude.

Mr. Ed, Cool Kits, One More Lo

Okay, so I'm at work last night and this man comes up to look at some watches. Literally, he is making this horse noise. I thought to myself, that it must be just a fluke. But he apparently clears his throat, which I assumed is what he was doing, every 10 seconds, so as he walked around, he kept making the horse noise. I met Mr. Ed last night, in the human form that he must have taken on after his show went off! I am not exagerating. It was a horse noise. Quite odd!

Credits: HERE

I've got to share this beautiful kit with you. I just got it yesterday and cannot wait to play with it! I hope you'll check it out. It is gorgeous. I'll be posting some lo's with it tomorrow!!!
Click here to go right to it!
This beautiful digital kit is collaboration between the Designers at ScrapStreet. There are 44 patterned papers, 18 solids, 2 alphas and 117 different embellishments for a total of 273 megabytes of digital goodies to scrap with. From frames, strings, ribbons, flowers, rubons to journal mats and tags, whimsical sea creatures and pins and clustered elements.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Woodland Wonders at Digitals. Fonts: CK Becky & Monika

A little lo about my two crazy friends that I go to crops with. This was a recent weekend and we were trying to take pictures of ourselves the way my dd does. How they get it right, we can't figure it out. But I figured these pictures would be so fun to scrap!

Timeless Masters by Tangie Baxter Designs
font: Just Me Again Down Here

Totally love this outrageous kit by Tangie Baxter. So funky, grungy and cool!

That's basically all I've done recently because I had to put in so many ridiculous hours at my p/t (?) job! What is going on? It's cutting into my scrapping time. That is not cool!

But I did get an awesome e-mail today from Scrapstreet.com requesting a lo of mine for their April mag. Wahoo!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Awesome Tree & Crazy Cat

Old tree and old dog! This tree is at my friend's house. She actually built her house where her granparent's house used to be. This tree and her camellia bushes have been around for a while. I just love the way it's branches are! I haven't edited this photo at all so it it what it is! But isn't it a fabulous tree!

My cat is completely nuts. He was so crazy about this plastic bag. He wouldn't stop licking it. I don't know if it smelled like the cat my mom had when she was growing up or what particularly attracted him to this. It was in the vintage suitcase I found with memorabilia from my mom growing up and some old photos, which I've shared on my blog. I had to get out my camera and capture this insanity. Just wish he would have been able to tell us exactly what he was thinking.

Well, I have a bit of exciting news to share as well! I will have a lo pubbed in Ready, Set, Create April/May 2008 issue! I"m so excited. It is a paper lo that I made over the weekend at my recent crop. I have a few others I want to submit to another online e-zine so keep your fingers crossed. And if you get RSC, look for me!!!

Driving home from work tonight was so scary. I'm not normally scared behind the wheel, but when you are on pitch black country roads with no shoulder, and it is raining so hard you can't even see the end of the hood of your car, you don't have any room to make a mistake. I was going 25 on a 45mph road and the wind gusts were causing sheets to come across my windshield that would completely block my view of the road. I couldn't pull over as there was nowhere to pull over, and I couldn't stop of course. And once when a car was passing me in the other direction, I couldn't even see out the windshield so I just did my best to avoid them and hope I wasn't going to drive off the road. Of course, with crazy Southern storms, I get 1/2 way home, and suddenly it is not raining a drop any more!

I didn't get to scrapbook today, but I'm hoping to play with a new kit by Beth Rimmer at Digitals.

Monday, March 03, 2008

My Crop Layouts and Maddy Fernandez at Digitals

digi credits: HERE
This is my first layout as part of the Digitals Creative Team! I'm so excited. I'm not sure I ever said anything about it on my blog! But it was big news to me. I already CT for Beth Rimmer over there so to get to work with the other talented designers on a rotating basis is just awesome to me!

Anyway, they paired me up with Maddy Fernandez this month and I used her Nuts About You Kit because I just adored the colors in it! So yummy!

Here is a slide show I made of my layouts from the crop weekend I just went on. I guess the are kind of small, but you get the idea! I had to add music. I heard so much great music over the weekend. I need to update my iPod with some new songs!

Funny Photos and Addicted to Blogging!

While my photos load, I'll just chat away! These are "self portraits" each of us took. We had to hold the camera the way our dd's do and after my friend, Mandy, took just her eyes, we thought we would copy that look. I can't wait to scrap this page! LOL!

I went to a weekend crop and my friend calculated that we spent 48 hours there. She said we slept for 10, so basically we scrapped our brains out for 38 hours...I confess, I must subtract the 1 hour nap I took on Saturday, which I have NEVER done at a crop before. So I guess I secretly had 11 hours of sleep over the whole weekend! LOL!

I created 21 paper layouts. No digi. Wah! Actually, digi has improved my design and detail skills in the paper realm. I'm hoping to put together a slide show of the ones I created!

The absolute funniest thing is: I left 1/2 my stuff at home! OMG! I didn't realize it until I got to the crop and was unloading my stuff! I carry a Navigator and a crate and an embellie case. My crate was in my kitchen.

Do you remember momma asking, "Do you have everything with you?" or "Have you forgotten anything?" or "Just do a double check." You know why she said these things? Because they are important!
So when a disorganized person tries to pass as organized...I had all my stuff by the front door, ran to the gas station to get dd gas in her car and get myself $$. Came home and dh had loaded my van with my stuff. Oh so sweet. I didn't even have to go in. I just pulled out and off I went a'croppin....
Pick up my bff. "R U sure you have everything with you?"
"Oh yes, dh packed my car before I left."
Arrive at crop. Unload car. Notice two girlfriends have their crates. Where is my crate?
*LIGHTBULB over head*
Dh never packed the crate by his chair in the kitchen. The crate which had the other half of my stuff. The crate with my light, my embellies, my ink, my rubons, two of my ribbon containers, my PICTURES...
I had my paper, my trimmer, some embellies, and luckily a bunch of pictures that I had grabbed at the last minute. I had some alphie stickers, some regular stickers, and my tools such as scissors, my paper piecer...
OH BUT I WAS FREAKING OUT>>>>> half my stuff was at home...and I was 3 hours away...to far to go back...to far to have it brought to me...
but my dear girlfriends came to my rescue and let me use their stuff. So I managed to survive and have a blast and just remember...when momma asks those questions like, "Do you have everything you need?"...there is a reason!

I also got spooked, too. So silly! Yes, an actual spooky incident...during the crop weekend.
The back staircase was pitch black until we finally found the light switch...at the top..which doesn't help if you were at the bottom to start with! At the bottom of the back staircase was a door to the outside...which made me make a crack that I hope Ted Bundy didn't drop by over the weekend (sick joke, I know). Do you think they lock this door???
Now, I have put Ted Bundy the serial killer on my brain. Spooky...
So it's dark, and I have to go to the bathroom in a strange place...I get up and go to what I think is the door to the back stairs...as I open it, I look up into something big and round and Ted Bundy is on my brain...oh my gawd, I was spooked! Until I realized I was looking into a closet where they had stored the Christmas tree that happened to have giant Christmas balls on it.
wrong door...wrong room...hysterical laughter...and I really gotta pee...good thing I have bladder control!

And how much to I love blogs and blogging? I kept mentioning, "Oh I saw this on a blog," or "I had this on my blog," over the weekend. Apparently, I have blogging issues. My friends don't really blog as much as me, but I do love blogging, and I love reading other peoples' blogs. I can't help it! And I figured out how much I liked it when I kept talking about it over the weekend!