Hi! Come on in and look around!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Gifts Are Wrapped
My Christmas job is at a local shop called Silver Impressions. They sell lots of jewelry and gift type items. The people there are super nice, and I have really been having a good time. I heard a rumor we get to buy one item at 50% off. Our normal discount is 25%. They want us to get something we really want for cost. Now, do I buy a gift, the sensible thing to do or do I buy that silver amethyst bracelet I really want. It's a tough call.
Oh, before I go...one last thing to make everyone sick: the house is decorated, too.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
The Thanksgiving Apron

I bought some fabric last month to make Caitee and I matching aprons since we cook together on Thanksgiving. I made mine, but she wanted to make hers. Since she hadn't sewn before, I figured why not? She will enjoy it even more if she makes it herself. She didn't quite get it done in time for Thanksgiving. We had a few issues with needles breaking on the machine, and also, since she hadn't sewn before, she was a little slower than I was. Her apron is really turning out great. I'm sure when it is done, she will be very pleased with it! She got a little frustrated last night, but you know...Mommy Fix...and she was fine!
Here is a pic of my apron. It has penguins all over it. Caitee's favorite! I paid a little extra to get that fancy trim because it reminded me of snow. Since the penguins are playing in the snow, I thought it was fun.
I had to take this picture in the bathroom mirror in order to get myself since I was using my camera phone. The quality of the pic isn't that great, but you get the idea!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
My Holiday Ornament

Okay, I know it isn't the greatest picture in the world, but you get the idea. Basic Gray Blitzen paper. This is my favorite pattern. I guess cuz it is FUN> You can't really see thw wire strung from the bottom or the word disc with JOY on it, but it is there if you really strain hard to look. All the edges of the ornament were covered in the krylon silver pen. I have got to make some more. Easy project. Big impact!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Holiday Gifts

Okay. I have two of these things made, which I have talked about in my previous post. I just had to put my pictures up. I had to take the photos with my cell phone because none of the other stuff I have is working right now. Oh technology! Ain't it great! Clear transparency goes across the space on the cover. This is sized to hold 4x6 photos. I really like this BG Blitzen paper and how this project turned out. I especially like how I used a different patterned paper for the spine to add some interest. I forgot to add ribbon, but I don't think this will need it as I kind of expect it to lie flat and be displayed. Maybe I think too much of my art!
Sunday, November 06, 2005

This fabulous box was made by my friend, Jen Caputo, who has a fabulous website for all you stamping and scrapping enthusiasts. She made her box to fit A2 sized cards. I made one myself that will hold 4x6 photos. This is such a terrific craft and originated with Trish at ClubScrap. They always have such great ideas.
I would post mine, but my scanner isn't working and my PDA won't interface with my computer right now. I just don't have the time lately to fool with it and get it all working. Maybe later this week. I highly recommend making this terrific project. The box bottom is made out of a 12x12 piece of paper with 1" edges all the way around. The cover, spine and bottom are made from chipboard/mat board. I just think this is one way to get your non-scrapping friends to store their photos in a clever way! My box I made says Holiday pics and I made it with the Blitzen papers from BG. Next am making another one with SEI paper. I've already got it all cut out and ready to glue while I watch my shows on tv tonight.
Friday, November 04, 2005
The Greatest Christmas Ornament
The fabulous ornament I am talking about can be used on your own tree, to give as gifts, or to decorate your home, and even be sold at a craft show. It is simply 20 circles, folding and glueing. I mean, that is about as easy as it gets. Lucky for you, I have made this fabulous thing and so I have worked all the kinks out of the project for you.
http://www.marthastewart.com/page.jhtml?type=content&id=channel1082&catid=cat405&navLevel=4 This website has a photo of the finished item and the directions for making this terrific project. I believe Carol Duvall made some on HGTV, too.
I recommend using a circle punch because your circles will be uniform. I used the gigantic one, the Giga one, I believe it is called. Take your punch and make 20 circles. Set them aside.
Punch one extra circle. This will be used as your equilateral triangle pattern. www.math.okstate.edu/~rpsc/Fall1999/Dana2.html This site gives you easy directions and visual aids about how to fold your circle to get your triangle pattern.
I took my circle pattern and folded into the equilateral triangle. I then took one of the 20 circles I had set aside and the triangle pattern inside the circle. I then folded two sides of the circle over the triangle. After that I took the triangle out and folded the bottom or third side out of the remaining paper. This will give you three flaps on each circle.
When you do the top and bottom of the ornament, all the triangles are glued so that their tips meet, which makes a circle, duh. But, the key to the 10 center pieces is the triangles are placed up/down/up/down so that a straight line is formed.
Be sure to use a very high tack glue as you do not want to get frustrated with pieces coming unglued as you are trying to put this thing together. Some of your tab sides may not match exactly. You can go over them with paint, an ink pad, or a krylon pen as an added decoration, and it will hide any of the white that may be showing.
I hope you enjoy this project as much as I did. I think once you do the first one, every one after that is a no brainer and you could make this watching tv!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Appliances - Nothing to do with my sb world!
My scanner is acting stupid. It fell off it's shelf. I'm suspecting my cat on that one. I guess I am going to have to go under the desk and check all the cables and plugs. I really want the Epson all in one with photo capability, but it is like $399 or something like that. I think that all equipment should be out in the open where you can freely adjust the cables and so on without having to dig around and contort yourself into crazy positions to get things adjusted and fixed. IMO, of course!
And let's chat about my ipod for a moment...well, not mine. My friend wanted some of my music so I plugged hers into my computer and downloaded some of my songs...and erased all hers, which her husband had just put on AGAIN.
I think I am electronically challenged. The mystery of the plugged in stuff...
Monday, October 17, 2005
Christmas Cards And All That Glitters
I am trying to set a goal for myself to make 2 Christmas cards per day until I have a whole bunch. I also need to find a photo of my kids suitable for a card, preferably one where they look like they are getting along!
Today is laundry day. I think I am running a Chinese laundry at my house. How does so much laundry accumulate? No matter if you are caught up, you always find more. Although frankly, I'm not sure I have ever been caught up.
I am waiting for my Club Scrap Jr. kit to come. I'm hoping it comes today. You never know so it is always a surprise. Lou took some great pictures of Caitee and her friends at the State Fair and the cowboy theme is perfect to go with these pics.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Basic Gray Blitzen

I was doing really well not buying scrapbook supplies. I mean, honestly, I have enough. BUT, low and behold, I get an e-mail from Embellish-It! and they have the new Blitzen BG line. I was weakened when I saw it, but when I saw the matchbook kit and the ornament kit, I caved. So I ordered it all. They have free shipping on orders over $25.00, even on paper, which is an exceptional deal, and their BG is cheaper than anywhere else on the net. Arent the colors luscious. I was drooling all over myself.
I do love to make ornaments for me tree too, and I figured if I bought the kit, then I could copy it with other paper, too. And the matchbook kit is too cute, isn't it. I'm sure I can make a fabulous little something for someone this holiday season. It is October so it's time to get started thinking about all that!!! Amazing isn't it!
Thursday, October 13, 2005

I was recently in an ATC swap for Birth Months. This was really my first official ATC swap. I rather enjoyed making my cards and was curious to see what others would do. Of the 10 I got back, 2 were mine, instead of just one because someone welched out. Party pooper! So of those 8, three were absolutely terrific and clever. Two were embarrassing or should be to their creators, and three were ok. I'm not sure what others thought of mine so maybe I shouldn't be saying that.
I have included this lovely little template that shows how to maximize an 8 1/2" x 11" piece of paper to get the most ATC cards out of it with the least amount of waste. I got it at a website called Mirkwood designs. So you need to go there if you want to get it life size to print out. Me, I'm too lazy. I just took the dimensions and my trimmer and went to town.
I can't decide if I want to do another swap or not. I'm intrigued with the whole concept and the history of these cards which you can find on the web. It is a great way to express yourself with your art and share with someone else. Maybe that is why I was bothered with the two really bad cards because, surely those people are not that un-artistic or unexpressive and that is how they put themselves out there.
I will post all the cards I got the next time I blog.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Busy in my Scrap Room AGAIN
I worked on my dd's first page in her cheerleading book for this year. I had some fun sewing on it. I've stamped on it, embossed on it, sewn on it. I think it is turning out well. I just need to get the film developed that goes with it so I can add a photograph.
I also worked on my swap for the PoM. I'd say I am about 2/3 done. I hope to have them finished tomorrow so I can get them in the mail by the weekend.
I got my Club Scrap Jr. Science Kit today. I definitely want to play with that. It has some delicious jewel-tone colors that would go great with some of my Mexican photos from our cruise last summer. My plan is to play with that tomorrow. My tonic trimmer came, too. Oh, that looks so fantastic. I can't wait to chop away!
And finally, I cut up a bunch of vintage images and alphabets I had gotten at the GASC in Arlington, TX this summer. That will just make them easier to use and store.
I'd say all and all it was a very productive day. I need to get scanning some stuff so I have lots of photos on here. All this writing is just boring, boring, boring.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Update on Scraproom & Swaps
I sorted my alphabet stickers and put them in a cropper hopper storage envelope. I also sorted my regular stickers, although I don't have that many, and put them in a croppper hopper storage envelope. They are sorted by Holiday, Family, General. Believe it or not, that did take a while.
I also printed out the title page for Caitee's 2005-06 cheer book on the computer. Then I used embossing powder to fill the center of the letters. I just had the printer print an outline. It looks pretty cool. Now I just have to get my film back from the first game against Wilson. Their cheerleaders stunk and didn't have uniforms. I don't think their program is very strong over there.
I had the laugh of the day today when I saw a page that someone had gotten back in a swap. I don't want to say to much about it because what if someone reads this here and sees it was their page. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect either, but the poor girl got a swap page back with the title spelled wrong. I may obsess a bit about spelling, probably because I can spell, but I caught it right away. I just think if you are going to swap, you need to be good at what you do so you don't send crap and make sure that if you do a big giant title on your page, it is spelled right. OMG how embarrassing!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Organizing my scrap room
This is a very slow process, but you have to get it just right so you can work with it. I found having the sewing machine on the end of my desk was not convenient. It's much better to have it where I can just turn and use it. I'm trying to make my desk free of everything so I have room just to spread out and create. I'll post a photo of my set up so far to give ideas. I'm pretty pleased with it. Finally!!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Altered Paint Can for Halloween

Here is the project I made yesterday. It is made from a quart size paint can. I used Modge Podge to adhere all the paper and red tacky tape for the fibers. The clock and some beads and a compass are on there to add to the dimensional affect that the fiber gives.
There are three kinds of paper on this can to give it some texture because I have discovered I am a very tactile artist. There is a handmade paper with fabulous fibery feel, tissue paper with wrinkles and some regular paper by Anna Griffin. The fabulous clip art is from Crafty Secrets Heartwarming Vintage Images. This is their seasonal one. Enjoy!!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Scrapbook Magazines
I went to BAM and looked at Cloth, Paper Scissors. Very interesting magazine with mixed media techniques. Not sure I want to subscribe but very altered ideas which I like. I looked at Legacy, which was terrific and very much my style. I got a terrific idea from it for an altered pin, which I plan to make and will post here. I also took at look at Stamp It! It was cute, but my favorite right now is still Paper Crafts Magazine for their variety of ideas and projects.
I have to brag on my daughter, who is currently making a scrapbook for a social studies project. Her work is very colorful and balanced. She has a knack for scrapbooking and I told her so. I hope she gives me this book for Christmas because the teacher asked alot of great questions for them to answer. I will be hand binding the book for Caitee. We made alot of fold out pages for interest as well. I bet she gets an A+ on it, but even more important is the fabulous keepsake she is making about herself!
Monday, September 12, 2005
ATC Swap Finished & Using Stickers
I'm never really sure what to do with these ATC's. The first ones I ever made were for the CS 2005 crop. We had to make 5 to swap the first night we got there. I was so nervous making these for the first time and for strangers. I used UTEE to give a faux cracked glass appearance and made the card vintage. I thought they were alright. Some of the ones I saw were really bad so I don't know why I was so worried.
I was going to post all the ones I made today, but I thought I would wait until I got mine back and then post all the 9 cards I receive.
I worked on my Page of Me for my PoM swap due the end of this month. I used my Tim Holtz distress ink and sprayed my background pages with water and ironed them to give them a distressed look. Then I took some white embossing powder and used that to give a distressed painted look to them. Now I need to print out my quote and information and tack that down as well as adhere my photo. I will post one of these before I mail it off. Kim, who is hosting, is going to bind them for us in a mini album. I thought that was novel and that is why I am doing it.
My scrap room is a MESS. What can I say. No progress there.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Photo Editing Software

My friend, Dawn-Marie, who I originally met when I was president of the Mom's group at church - when I went to that church, showed me how to use the Layers function on software when we had coffee with two other ladies two weeks ago. She is a photographer and had some photographs where there was color and black and white. I wanted to learn how to do that.
This was the photograph I started with. I then made another layer that was black and white and put it on top of this one. I erased the black and white over Caitee and added a fun border. And voila, I have a very cool effect and a fun picture. I wrote her name on her hat because I saw Dawn-Marie had done that to one of her photos, and I thought that was a very cool effect. I'm sure that I can do this better as I get more practice. Isn't it fun though, I hope you will try it!
I'm going to give it a shot with some vintage photos maybe. Not sure. I really like learning new stuff and trying it. This was done in ArcSoft4. It is very simple, but that is fine with me. Dawn-Marie has Adobe something and it is very detailed, but she really likes digital scrapbooking, too. I don't. I love the feel of cutting and glue. I think I never really got over kindergarten!
I guess that is my big scrapbook project of the day because I really haven't done anything else. I do plan to go in my scrapbook room today so I should have more to report about myself later.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Cards, Swaps and ATC's
Kim is hosting a Book of Me (BOM) swap so I have to make 16 pages to swap. I think that will be very fun because I love finding out about and "meeting" other scrapbookers.
I am also doing an ATC swap that is a "birthday themed" swap. I'm not much into the ATC's, but this one intrigued me. My theme is going to be April showers bring May flowers since I am an April baby. I have lots of floral die cuts from K&Co which will be great to use and get rid of!!!
I took a stack of stuff up to my sb room last evening. It has just created a mess. Photos, fabric, tin, etc. All of it needs to be put away today. That is my challenge for that room as of now. GEEEEEZZZ it is going to take me forever to get my stuff organized.
I will post my ATC and my BOM swap pages when I have them completed. I will probably have to go order a photo from ofoto.com, which is who I use to process my film. I'm not going to go off about that today, but one day I will share my peeves about local film processors with you.
One last thing: my nephew, who turned 4 Aug. 1, 2005, just started his first day of 4K yesterday. Isn't that cute!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Day 2 and counting

This is me at the CS 2005 retreat where I met some awesome new scrapbooking friends. I went with my bff, Mandy, and we were bound and determined to get our picture taken with a cheesehead on. (Is that one word or two???) We finally found one at the airport where they had them for sale for some ridiculous price. Like I would wear this at home or want it in my house! We had already gotten license plates for our scrapbook page that we were going to make that said, "Say Cheese!" So you know this page is gonna happen!
I heard from one of my CS friends today. Her name is Misha and she lives in NY. Mandy and I met her on the last day as we were sitting outside waiting for our shuttle to the airport. We were scrapbooking to pass the time and there were three ladies outside: Kim, Annette, and Misha. We met Annette the first day. She is from FL. We met Kim from OK and Misha from NY during that time. They are such nice and fun ladies. Talk about a great time. Those pictures will definitely have to be in their own album.
No big plans today. I think I may just go around the house and move any remaining stuff up to the scraproom...maybe make some cards. Hey, at this point anything is progress, right!!!
One last thing. My bff, Mandy, saw my blog thing, and now she is making one, too. Isn't that fun!!!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Day 1 continued

I did not work in my scrap room today, however, I did take two pizza boxes up there that were in the living room. At least they are no longer downstairs. Progress is definitely slow.
I made an entry for the CS September sketch challenge. TSK TSK TSK when I should have been cleaning. OH well. I'd rather scrap. You can see it at the top there. Fun to do, but I do not like being restricted to using mostly one brand of stuff or being hemmed in by a drawing. I like the freedom of creativity.
Day 1

Welcome to my scrapbook world. Here is where I will post things that I have made and talk about organizing my messy, although creative, scrapbook room. My scrapbook room is a bonus room over my garage. It is hot as fire up there because the two dormers for storage do not have normal doors so they pop open and the heat from outdoors just comes right in the room. That means in July, I can't even go in there.
The carpet is like 13 years old so eventually I want to add a new floor as well. Wood or vinyl or carpet. I really don't care. Just need a new one.
I'd like to build some custom bookshelves, too. Right now I have some wood ones we got at Lowes. I do have a terrific desk so that is the best focal point of it all right now. My most recent and exciting purchase is my giant circular paper lamp that hangs over my desk. It matches the color I painted my walls, which is kind of a pepper color as in paprika. I do have one green wall behind my desk that is my accent wall.
I started putting film on my windows to let the light in, but keep my neighbor's eyeballs out. So far I have about 3/4 of the window panes done because of course, they are wood windows and the panes don't come out for a single adherence of the film. Eventually I will put a valance over the windows and maybe some attractive drapes which I will sew myself.
Stay tuned for more!